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. 2024 May 2;21(5):e1004384. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004384

Table 1. Comparison of target trial and emulated trial using ALSWH data.

Target trial Emulation with ALSWH
Eligibility criteria Women aged 47–52 years with unimpaired physical functioning and prepared to accept an intervention to meet physical activity guidelines Women in the ALSWH cohort aged 47–52 years with unimpaired physical functioning who either did or did not meet physical activity guidelines
Trial arms Intervention: Women adhering to meet physical activity guidelines over a 15-year period Intervention: Women meeting physical activity guidelines over a 15-year period (referred to hereafter as “exposed”)
Control: Individuals caused to not meet physical activity guidelines Control: Individuals not meeting physical activity guidelines
Assignment procedures Random assignment to either intervention or control arm at recruitment Adjustment for confounding using TMLE
Follow-up period 15 years of intervention period (6 triennial waves of follow-up), plus 3 years postexposure for measurement of outcome 15 years of exposure (6 triennial waves of follow-up), plus 3 years postexposure for measurement of outcome
Outcomes Health-related quality of life assessed using the SF-36 Health-related quality of life assessed using the SF-36
Causal effect measure The difference in means of outcomes in the intervention versus the control arms of the study ATE estimated as the difference in conditional expected mean under treatment versus conditional mean under control

ALSWH, Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health; ATE, average treatment effect; SF-36, 36-item Medical Outcomes Study short-form survey; TMLE, targeted maximum likelihood estimation.