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. 2024 May 2;21(5):e1004384. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004384

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the weighted analytical sample of Australian women at baseline.

Variable Categories Mean (SD)/
n (%) (N = 11,336)
Age 49.5 (1.8)
Highest level of education High school or less 6,878 (60.0%)
2,280 (20.0%)
University 1,968 (20.0%)
Country of birth Australia 7,953 (70.0%)
Other 3,155 (30.0%)
Employment status Not employed 2,130 (20.0%)
Employed 8,976 (79.2%)
Marital status Married/de facto 9,094 (80.0%)
Separated/divorced/never married 1,813 (20.0%)
Widowed 257 (0.0%)
Live with children under 18 years No 6,693 (70.0%)
Yes 3,476 (30.0%)
Live with children aged 18+ years No 5,928 (60.0%)
Yes 4,299 (40.0%)
Area-level SES (IRSD) Score for lowest tertile 939 (72)
Score for middle tertile 985 (24)
Score for highest tertile 1,071 (82)
Remoteness (ARIA+) Major city 7,277 (70.0%)
Regional 3,680 (30.0%)
Remote 235 (0.0%)
Lifetime risky drinking a No 8,814 (90.0%)
Yes 1,395 (10.0%)
Heavy episodic drinking b No 7,007 (70.0%)
Yes 3,463 (30.0%)
Smoking status Never smoker 5,961 (60.0%)
Ex smoker 2,830 (30.0%)
Current smoker 1,689 (20.0%)
CESD-10 Depression Score 6.2 (7.1)
Mean stress score 0.6 (0.7)
BMI category Underweight 144 (0.0%)
Healthy 4,877 (50.0%)
Overweight 3,032 (30.0%)
Obese 1,783 (20.0%)
Ever diagnosed/treated for heart No 11,013 (100.0%)
disease Yes 216 (0.0%)
Ever diagnosed/treated for stroke No 11,148 (100.0%)
Yes 82 (0.0%)
Ever diagnosed/treated for cancer No 10,766 (100.0%)
Yes 464 (0.0%)
Ever diagnosed/treated for depression No 9,377 (80.0%)
Yes 1,853 (20.0%)
Ever diagnosed/treated for anxiety No 9,704 (90.0%)
Yes 1,526 (10.0%)
SF-36 scores Physical component score 51.14 (9.50)
Mental component score 47.51 (15.22)
Physical functioning 89.44 (14.27)
Role physical 83.98 (39.39)
Bodily pain 73.22 (27.60)
General health 74.59 (23.38)
Vitality 60.03 (24.95)
Social functioning 84.27 (27.07)
Role emotional 79.61 (43.49)
Mental health 73.77 (21.42)

Note: percentages calculated as percent of total sample; percentages do not add to 100% due to missing data within variables.

aLifetime risky alcohol consumption defined as >10 alcoholic drinks/week based on the 2020 National Health Medical Research Council guidelines [34].

bHeavy episodic alcohol consumption defined as >4 alcoholic drinks on an occasion at least once a month [34].

ARIA+, Accessibility-Remoteness Index of Australia Plus; BMI, body mass index; CESD-10, 10-item Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; IRSD, Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage; SD, standard deviation; SF-36: 36-item Medical Outcomes Study short-form survey.