RAP2 and SAV1 work in parallel to promote YAP phosphorylation by LATS via MAP4K and MST1/2, respectively.A, WT and SAV1 KO cells were treated with 100 nM CytoD and 0.2 μg/ml LatB for 30 min. B, WT and SAV1 KO cells were grown at low and high (4.5× dense) confluence for 24 h and then collected for immunoblot analysis. C, Validating the deletion of SAV1 in MAP4K4/6/7 tKO and RAP2A/B/C tKO cells by CRISPR/Cas9. D, SAV1 KO, MAP4K4/6/7-SAV1 4KO, and RAP2A/B/C-SAV1 4KO cells were grown at low and high confluence. E, SAV1 KO and RAP2A/B/C-SAV1 4KO cells were treated with 100 nM CytoD, 0.2 μg/ml LatB, 2-DG or FSK/IBMX for 30 min. F, WT and MOB1A/B dKO cells were transfected with HA-tagged YAP and Flag-tagged pcDNA3.1 control/MST2/MAP4K4/RAP2A vectors for 24 h and then collected for immunoblot analysis. Note that HA phos-tag quantification is normalized to WT cells transfected with a control vector (red font), and pLATS-HM is from different blots (separated by lines).