Fig. 2.
Effect of A. actinomycetemcomitans D7SS-WT and D7SS-cdt EVs on cancer cell migration and invasion. (a, b) Cell migration is presented as the relative wound density over time with the corresponding area under the curve (AUC). (a) SCC-24A cell migration was induced only by EVs (2 × 5 µg/ml) from D7SS-WT. (b) HSC-3 cell migration was increased when cells were treated with D7SS-WT and D7SS-cdt EVs. (c, d) Transwell invasion of SCC-24A and HSC-3 cells treated with EVs (5 µg/ml) from D7SS-WT and D7SS-cdt. (c) SCC-24A invasion was not significantly affected by EVs. (d) HSC-3 cell invasiveness was decreased by D7SS-WT EVs but not by D7SS-cdt EVs. Values are shown as mean ± SEM. *P ≤ 0.05. NTC, no treatment control. Experiments were repeated independently three times with triplicates (migration) or duplicates (invasion) for each condition