Figure 4.
(A) Approximate number of 7MeG lesions removed per cell from the DNA of Aag+/+ (filled triangles) and Aag–/– cells (open circles). (A and B) Approximate number of 3MeA lesions removed per cell from the DNA of Aag+/+ (filled diamonds) and Aag–/– cells (open squares) calculated from the data presented in Figure 3 and Table 1. Note the difference in scales in (A) and (B). The initial number of adducts/cell in Aag–/– cells (Table 1) is used as an estimate of the total number of lesions created (dotted lines). The number of adducts observed in Aag–/– cells has been used as an estimate of the starting number of adducts in Aag+/+ cells at 0 h.