Fig. 1.
A schematic of the cricket behaviour-recording system. (A) An overview of the quantitative evaluation system for recording, through which we simultaneously recorded up to six crickets in one experiment by isolating individuals using acrylic cases (150×100×50 mm). The 12-h light/dark cycle (LD 12:12) was controlled by an electric time switch. The movement of crickets was recorded by a video camera, set at a height of 450 mm above the floor and connected to a Raspberry Pi 3. (B) A photograph depicting the specific recording environment. Sheets of paper with a height of 15 mm were placed between each acrylic case to make the individuals invisible to each other. (C) A schematic diagram of the acrylic case. The crickets were allowed free access to water and food. The water source is the tube-stuffed cotton, and the feeding area consists of a section of the plastic case with holes.