Figure 3.
dNKAP depletion induces JNK-dependent apoptosis. (A–B’’) Increased caspase 3 staining in dNKAP-knockdown wing discs. (C–D’) Increased TUNEL staining in dNKAP-knockdown wing discs. (E–F’) Upregulation of puc-lacZ in dNKAP-knockdown wing discs. (G–H’) Upregulation of MMP1 in dNKAP-knockdown wing discs. (I–J’) Reducing JNK activity suppresses ectopic MMP1 expression and apoptosis in dNKAP-knockdown wing discs. (K) Quantification of caspase 3 signals from A, B, and J. n = 9. Note that three different regions with the same size were calculated per disc. (L) Quantification of TUNEL signals from C and D. n = 6. Note that three different regions with the same size were calculated per disc. (M) Quantification of puc-lacZ signals from E and F. n = 18. Note that three different regions with the same size were calculated per disc. (N) Quantification of MMP1 signals from G, H, and I. n = 9. Note that three different regions with the same size were calculated per disc. GFP was used to mark the knockdown domain. Panels A–B’ and C–J’ show single confocal sections of third-instar wing imaginal discs with posterior side to the right and dorsal side up. B’’ shows the optical cross-section of the wing imaginal disc with apical side up. Scale bar, 50 μm. ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.