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. 2024 Apr 18;13(4):643–662. doi: 10.21037/tp-23-602

Table 3. Prenatal imaging parameters for prognostic assessment in congenital diaphragmatic hernia.

Imaging parameter Acronym Imaging modality Technique
Lung to head ratio LHR Ultrasound The ratio of the contralateral lung area (at the level of the cardiac four chamber view) to the head circumference in millimeters. Three lung measurement techniques are described:
   • Longest diameter method: product of longest diameter of the lung by its longest perpendicular diameter
   • AP method: product of AP lung diameter at mid-clavicular line by perpendicular diameter at AP diameter midpoint
   • Trace method: manual tracing of the lung circumference
Observed to expected lung to head ratio o/e LHR Ultrasound Lung to head ratio of the contralateral lung is normalized for expected size for gestational age (38)
Total fetal lung volume TFLV MRI Sum of three dimensionally measured lung volumes for both lungs
Observed to expected total fetal lung volume o/e TFLV MRI The total fetal lung volume is expressed as a percentage of the expected total lung volume using gestational age references (45,46)
Percent of predicted lung volume PPLV MRI Expressed as the measured thoracic volume minus measured mediastinal volume (47)
Lung volume to body weight ratio LVBWR Ultrasound Lung volume measured by 3-dimensional ultrasound divided by fetal weight estimated by the Hadlock formula
Lung to thorax ratio L/T Ultrasound Transverse lung and thoracic area measured at the level of the four-chamber view using the trace method
Liver herniation Liver-up Ultrasound Qualitative determination of any liver portion above the diaphragm
Percent liver herniation LiTR; %HL MRI Determination of the amount of intrathoracic liver herniation above the plane of the diaphragm expressed in two ways:
   • LiTR: ratio of intrathoracic liver to total thoracic volume
   • %HL: ratio of intrathoracic liver to total liver volume
Stomach grading Cordier Ultrasound Position of the stomach assessed on the four‐chamber view of the heart
   • Grade I: stomach not seen
   • Grade II: next to the apex of the heart, with no structure in between the stomach and the sternum
   • Grade III: stomach visualized along from the apex of the heart and abdominal structures anteriorly
   • Grade IV: stomach with its larger portion posterior to the level of the AV heart valves
Basta Ultrasound In the true axial plane at the level of the four-chamber view of the heart
   • Grade I: stomach intraabdominal
   • Grade II: anterior left chest contacting the anterior chest wall
   • Grade III: mid-to posterior chest possibly contacting posterior chest wall
   • Grade IV: retrocardiac with at least a portion of the stomach posterior to the left atrium of the heart within the right chest
Kitano MRI Grade I: stomach intraabdominal
Grade II: left chest intrathoracic
Grade III: less than half of the stomach herniated into right chest
Grade IV: more than half of the stomach herniated into the right chest
Mediastinal shift angle MSA MRI The angle between a sagittal reference line between the posterior surfaces of the vertebral body and the sternum with a line between the vertebral body and the right atrium

LHR, lung-to-head ratio; AP, antero-posterior; o/e, observed to expected; TFLV, total fetal lung volume; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MSA, mediastinal shift angle; PPLV, percentage of predicted lung volume; LVBWR, lung volume to body weight ratio; L/T, lung to thorax; LiTR, liver in thorax ratio; %HL, percent liver herniation; AV, atrioventricular.