(A) Violin plots of the temporal offset between the natural image and model output at high (left, 600 °/s) and low (right, 150 °/s) image speeds, using (model without feedback), (full feedback model), and (model with increased feedback). Images were blurred with motion in the vertical direction. Solid lines indicate the lower quartile, median, and upper quartile. Dotted gray line indicates temporal offset = 0 ms. *** p<0.001, Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
(B) Modeled L1 (left) and L2 (right) responses to 20-ms light (blue) or dark (red) flashes with a 500-ms gray interleave under control or enhanced feedback.
(C) Experimentally measured responses of L1 and L2 to a 20-ms light flash (blue) or a 20-ms dark flash (red) with or without bath application of the octopamine receptor agonist CDM (20 μM). The control data is repeated from Figure 1. The solid line is the mean response and the shading is ± 1 SEM. n = number of cells (number of flies).