Inhibition of apoptosis and p53 levels by MED12 is BCL6 mediated: simultaneous over-expression of BCL6 and MED12 knockdown was performed in A172 and T98G cells. a, b Graph showing fold change in p53 expression analysed by qRT-PCR upon simultaneous over-expression of BCL6 and MED12 knockdown in a A172 cells, b T98G cells. c, d Western blotting results showing effects of simultaneous knockdown of MED12 and BCL6 over-expression in c A172 cells, d T98G cells. The western blotting experiment was performed in duplicates. The actin blot was run on a different gel. e, f Graph showing fold change in relative caspase 3/7 activity in cells having BCL6 over-expression and MED12 knockdown in e A172 cells f T98G cells. g Cartoon summarizing the role of MED12 in glioblastoma. The illustration was created with The graphical data points represent mean ± SD of at least three independent experiments (*represents p value < 0.05 and ** represents p value < 0.001). Error bars denote ± SD