Fig. 4.
IMQ-induced psoriasiform dermatitis was attenuated on the sensory impairment side of spinal cord hemi-section mouse. a Schematic diagram of spinal cord hemi-section operation. b Mouse phenotype on days 0, 3, and 6 after IMQ induction. Red dashed line marked midline of the ipsilesional side and contralesional side. c PASI score of each side. d HE staining and the thickness of the epidermis (μm), scale bar = 100 μm. e Gross map and diameter of inguinal lymph nodes. f IF of βIII-tubulin (green), scale bar = 100 μm. g IHC staining of Ki67 (left) and Ki67-positive keratinocytes counts (right). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, one-way ANOVA