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. 2021 Jan 3;78(6):2683–2708. doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03725-2

Table 1.

Delivery methods for CRISPR/Cas system in mammals

Model-target tissue (disease) Delivery methods Editing gene References
Viral delivery system No viral delivery system
Mouse blood (myeloid malignancy) Lentivirus Tet2, Runx1, Dnmt3a, Ezh2, Nf1, Smc3, p53 and Asxl1 [46]
Mouse lung (lung cancer) Lentivirus Pten and Nkx2-1 [47]
Mouse liver (NASH) Adenovirus Pten [56]
Mouse liver (cardiovascular disease) Adenovirus Pcsk9 [57]
Mouse lung (lung cancer) Adenovirus Eml4 and Alk [58]
Mouse brain AAV Mecp2, Dnmt1, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b [62]
Mouse eye (LCA) AAV Yfp [63]
Mouse muscle (DMD) AAV Dmd [68, 69]
Mouse lung (lung cancer) AAV Kras, p53 and Lkb1 [74]
Mouse liver (OTC deficiency) AAV Otc [72]
Mouse liver (cardiovascular disease) AAV Pcsk9 [78]
Mouse brain (Huntington disease) AAV Htt [192]
Mouse brain (GBM) AAV Trp53, Nf1 and Rb1 [76]
Mouse brain AAV Camk2a, Erk2 and Actb [193]
Mouse muscle (DMD) AAV Dmd [67]
Mouse muscle (MDC1A) AAV Lama2 [194]
Mouse eye (retinal degeneration) AAV Nrl [64]
Mouse spleen, lungs, heart, colon, and brain (HIV/AIDS) AAV HIV-1 provial DNA [195]
Mouse liver (Hemophilia B) AAV F9 [196]
Mouse liver (cancer) AAV Tsgs [77]
Mouse liver AAV HBV cccDNA [197]
Mouse eye (X-linked retinitis pigmentosa) AAV Rpgr [65]
Mouse liver (tyrosinemia) AAV Fah [198]
Mouse liver (OTC deficiency) AAV Otc [71]
Mouse muscle (DMD) AAV Dmd [70]
Mouse brain (schizophrenia) AAV Mir137 [75]
Mouse muscle (ALS) AAV Igf1 [66]
Mouse liver (tyrosinemia) Plasmid Fah [84]
Mouse liver Plasmid HBsAg [85]
Rat eye (retinitis pigmentosa) Plasmid (Rho(S334)) [86]
Mouse eye (retinitis pigmentosa) Plasmid Rho [87]
Mouse brain (MB and GBM) Plasmid Trp53, Pten and Nf1 [199]
Mouse brain Plasmid Satbs [89]
Mouse eye (IRDs) Plasmid Rho-P23H [88]
Mouse liver (tyrosinemia) mRNA Fah [90]
Mouse liver (cardiovascular disease) mRNA Pcsk9 [91, 93]
Mouse liver (tyrosinemia) mRNA Ttr [92]
Mouse liver, kidney, and lung mRNA floxed tdTomato [200]
Mouse ear Protein Egfp [94]
Mouse muscle (DMD) Protein Dmd [100]
Mouse brain (FXS) Protein Grm5 [101]
Mouse brain (Alzheimer’s disease) Protein Th, Bace1 [96]
Mouse liver and spleen Protein Pten [99]
Mouse liver and spleen (HT1) Protein Hpd [95]

AAV adeno-associated virus, ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy, FXS fragile X syndrome, GBM glioblastoma, HIV/AIDS human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, HT1 hereditary tyrosinemia type I, IRDs inherited retinal degenerations, LCA Leber congenital amaurosis, MB medulloblastoma, MDC1A congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A, NASH non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, OTC ornithine transcarbamylase