Fig. 6.
Curcumin and NCLX blockers reduced colorectal tumor growth in vivo. A HCT116-Luc cells were implanted subcutaneously into nude mice: control, curcumin-treated, CGP37157-treated, and ITH12575-treated groups (n = 8–9/group). B Representative bioluminescent images of CRC tumors in control, curcumin, CGP37157 and ITH12575 groups at day 20–27 and 34. C BLI value of tumors (expressed in c.p.m) as a function of time recorded in the whole body of mice. Volume of tumors (expressed in mm3) as a function of time recorded in the whole body of mice (Mean ± sem, two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 versus control group). D Spectral wavelengths allowing discrimination among the groups superimposed with the mean group spectrum. E Tumor size prediction based on partial least square (PLS) regression showing the loadings (i.e., the correlated spectral variables and the regression model). F The dichotomous model to identify groups from plasma serum with, for each step, the relevant discriminant variables and the consequent confusion matrixes. G Metabolic pathways associated with metabolite sets that were modified between D0 and D40 for each group based on analysis of whole blood samples. H Heatmap analysis of metabolite levels identified at D40 showing the difference between the treated groups and the control group