Phylogenetic tree of species with available structural data on F-type ATP synthases. The phylogenetic tree includes the species from two superkingdoms (Bacteria and Eukaryota), and eukaryotes from Viridiplantae, Opisthokonta, Sar, and Discoba clades (the representatives of the superkingdom Archaea have A-type ATP synthases and are not discussed in this review). The type of ATP synthase oligomeric state is determined for cellular membrane bFOF1 in the case of bacteria and for mtFOF1 in the case of eukaryotes. Some eukaryotes which have chloroplasts, and consequently cFOF1, are highlighted green. The letter “F” means the reported functional activity of purified and isolated FOF1. Structures of ATP synthases are marked with the corresponding PDB IDs. Unknown structures of ATP synthases are painted as a faded grey sketch with a question mark.
The figure was slightly modified from ref. [4]