Fig. 7.
Dual inhibition of M2-Mφ and TNBC cells by 6-AN in vivo. A Tumor-bearing mice were intraperitoneally administered either vehicle or 6-AN (5 mg/kg, once every two days). The statistical graphs in the right panel indicate the photon flux of the tumor. Subcutaneous tumor size statistics after 20 days of mouse administration (n = 5 in each group). B Immunoblot analysis of G6PD, STAT1, phospho-STAT1, p65, phospho-p65, CD163 and CD206 in xenograft tumors from mice treated with 6-AN. C The gene expression of G6PD, CCL2, TGF-β1, IL-10 and CD163 in xenograft tumor tissues was detected by q-PCR. D Cytokine levels in xenograft tumor tissues were determined by ELISA. E Immunoblotting was used to test G6PD and CD163 in xenograft tumors. F Densitometry was performed to analyze CD163 protein expression, and β-actin served as an internal reference. G G6PD enzyme activity was detected in xenograft tumors. H IHC staining for CD163 and Ki67 in orthotopic tumors. Magnification 400 × , bar = 50 μm. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001