Fig. 8.
CHIP inhibits glycolysis in endometriosis via HMGB1. A 11Z cells were transfected with vector, Flag-CHIP, HA-HMGB1, and Flag-CHIP + HA-HMGB1, respectively. Cell lysate preparation for immunoblot analysis. B 11Z cells were transfected with shNC, shCHIP, shHMGB1, and shCHIP + shHMGB1, respectively. Cell lysate preparation for immunoblot analysis. C, D EESC and 11Z cells were transfected with vector, Flag-CHIP, HA-HMGB1, and Flag-CHIP + HA-HMGB1, respectively. The supernatant was collected to detect the consumption of glucose. E, F EESC and 11Z cells were transfected with vector, Flag-CHIP, HA-HMGB1, and Flag-CHIP + HA-HMGB1, respectively. The supernatant was collected to detect the production of lactate. G, H EESC and 11Z cells were treated with shNC, shCHIP, shHMGB1, and shCHIP + shHMGB1, respectively. The supernatant was collected to detect the consumption of glucose. I, J EESC and 11Z cells were treated with shNC, shCHIP, shHMGB1, and shCHIP + shHMGB1, respectively. Collection of supernatant for detection of lactate production. (Representative western blot was quantified by ImageJ software and normalized to β-actin. All data represent mean ± SEM. Statistical significance was analyzed with one-way ANOVA. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001)