Figure 2.
The immunophenotype of the monoclonal plasma cells in POEMS syndrome. The immunophenotype of CD19 and CD56 in the identified clonal PCs using (A) MM-flow (n = 9) and (B) POEMS-flow (n = 18) are shown. The size of the circle in the figure indicates the number of cases with different immunophenotypes of CD19 and CD56 (CD19−/CD56+ or CD19−/CD56− or CD19+/CD56−). (A) Five (55.6%) were CD19−/CD56+ and three (33.3%) were CD19−/CD56− in MM-flow. (B) Five (27.8%) were CD19−/CD56+ and 12 (66.7%) were CD19−/CD56− in POEMS-flow. (C) A comparison of CD38 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) between monoclonal and normal plasma cells (PCs) analyzed using POEMS-flow is shown. The CD38 MFI of monoclonal PCs was significantly lower than that of normal PCs (P = 0.005), with median MFI values of 13,074.5 (range 2355–31,472) for monoclonal PCs and 20,778 (range 3674–34,672) for normal PCs.