Comparing the subcellular distribution of LTK3 and KCC2
(A) 18–20 Div cultures were stained with LMTK3, KCC2, and MAP2 antibodies followed by confocal microscopy. A representative neuron is shown in the upper panel, and an enlargement of boxed area is shown below; the scale bar: 10 μm.
(B) The number of LMTK3-KCC2 colocalized clusters per 100 micron of dendrite was then determined; n = 17 neurons from 3 cultures.
(C) Brain sections were subject to immunostaining and confocal microscopy as outlined earlier.
(D) The percentage of LMTK3 puncta that contain KCC2 was then determined; n = 7 hippocampi from 3 animals; the scale bar: 30 μm. In all panels data represent mean ± SEM.