Examining the role that S940 plays in mediating the effects of C28 on KCC2 activity
(A) Representative traces are shown for the polarity of currents induced by rapid application of muscimol in DGGCs in slices from S940A mice loaded with 32-mM Cl− at differing voltages, which had been pretreated with V or 10-μM C28 for 1 h prior to recording. The recordings were used to determine EGABA and [Cl−], which were then compared between treatments. n = 4–5 mice.
(B) Representative traces are shown for the polarity of currents induced by rapid application of muscimol in DGGCs in slices from S940A mice loaded with 32-mM Cl− at differing voltages, which had been pretreated with 10-mM WNK-463 (WNK) for 1 h prior to recording. The recordings were used to determine EGABA and [Cl−], which were then compared between treatments. ∗p < 0.01; t test; n = 4–5 mice. In all panels data represent mean ± SEM. Voltages are adjusted with a liquid junction potential value of −13 mV.