Figure 6.
Characterization of the senescence hotspot and its microenvironment in aged ovaries. (A) Pseudotime analysis of GC, TC, and MT2high spot in NHP ovary. Upper left, pseudotime scores of the three spot types in monkey ovary. Upper right, the distribution of young and old groups along the pseudotime trajectory. Middle left, the distribution of these three spot types along the pseudotime trajectory. Middle right, the distribution of different states of MThigh spot along the pseudotime trajectory. Lower left, bar plot showing the proportion distribution of three states of MT2high spots between young and old groups. Lower right, the spatial distribution of three states of MT2high spots. (B) Heatmap showing four different expression patterns along the pseudotime trajectory based on branched expression analysis modeling (BEAM) analysis and bar plot showing the enriched GO terms for cluster 1 genes. (C) Enriched GO terms and pathways of aging DEGs in MT2high spot. (D) Bar plot showing pathway enrichment analysis of overlapped genes between upregulated aging DEGs in MT2high spot and Cluster1 genes. (E) Heatmap showing the expression levels of the top 10 (LogFC) overlapping genes between upregulated aging DEGs in MT2high spot and Cluster1 genes. (F) MT2 immunostaining in young and old monkey ovaries. The relative intensity was quantified as fold changes (old vs. young), and presented as mean ± SEMs on the right. Scale bars, 20 μm and 10 μm (zoomed-in images). n = 4 monkeys for each group. (G) Dot plot showing the interaction pairs between MT2high and other spot types unique in the aged group.