Kilbourne 2013.
Study characteristics | |
Methods |
Allocation: randomised in blocks of 15 to 20 stratified by age, race and diabetes diagnosis to ensure balance of characteristics Design: RCT, multicentre Duration: 12‐month and 24‐month follow‐up Date of study: May 2008 to May 2012 Country: USA Setting: 2 community‐based mental health outpatient programmes in Southeastern Michigan, in a large VA healthcare system providing services to more than 158,000 veterans living in a 15‐county area Recruitment method: Patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder and a CVD risk factor who received care between fiscal year 2008 and 2009 were identified based on a medical record review of patients. Masking: single‐blind (outcomes assessor blind to intervention) |
Participants |
Inclusion criteria: adult patients with an active diagnosis or treatment plan for bipolar disorder I, II or NOS with at least one cardiometabolic risk factor (diagnosis or indication of hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes or BMI > 25) who received care in one of 2 participating community mental health outpatient programmes. Other criteria include community‐dwelling and English‐speaking. Exclusion criteria: severely cognitively impaired or unable to give informed consent Number randomised to intervention and control: 134 participants enrolled and 58 randomised to the Life Goals Collaborative Care group (LGCC), 60 to enhanced treatment as usual (ETU) Number completed study: 118 Age: intervention 53.1 (10.6), control 52.4 (9.2) Sex: intervention 10 (17.2%) female, control 10 (16.7%) female Diagnosis: bipolar I: intervention 20 (34.5%), control 24 (40%); bipolar II: intervention 14 (24.1%), control 12 (20%); bipolar NOS: intervention 21 (36.2%), control 24 (40%); schizoaffective: intervention 3 (5.2%), control 0 (0%) Ethnicity: non‐white: intervention 3 (5.2%), control 3 (5.0%) Any significant differences between intervention and control groups? no statistically significant baseline demographic or clinical differences between the groups |
Interventions |
Type of collaborative care: A Description of intervention: Intervention name: Life Goals Collaborative Care
Other intervention components:
The LGCC intervention arm was implemented by a master's level‐trained health specialist. The health specialist's primary roles were to: 1) lead the psychosocial educational group sessions; 2) deliver care management support; and 3) serve as an informational resource to providers by disseminating guidelines and providing information on topics specific to BD treatment and health outcomes. Following randomisation, the health specialist initiated a pre‐session assessment to promote treatment engagement and participation. During this time, the health specialist assessed patient preferences for communication, motivation for health changes, availability for group participation, and principal provider contact information for emergency situations. Participants were then scheduled to attend the group self‐management sessions. Description of control: Enhanced usual care via quarterly newsletters regarding wellness topics mailed to those in the control group. Their general medical and mental health providers received the same practice guideline information at the beginning of the study. |
Outcomes |
Measures taken at: baseline, 6 months, 12 months, 24 months Primary outcomes: blood pressure, lipids, functioning, non‐fasting blood draw, quality of life Able to use:
Unable to use:
Notes | Self‐Management Addressing Heart Risk Trial (SMAHRT), a randomised controlled effectiveness trial of an intervention (Life Goals Collaborative Care; LGCC) designed to reduce CVD risk factors and improve physical and mental health outcomes in patients with BD Conducted May 2008 to May 2012 |