Fig 3.
CAPE and resveratrol ablate phosphorylation of FAK at Y576. (A) Graph shows results from a Kinetworks Phospho-Site screen (KPSS 7.0), in which phosphorylation levels of each of the indicated residues (in parentheses) were quantified in CAPE- and DMSO-treated BECs after a 15-min infection with UTI89. Differences between samples are presented as percentages of the DMSO-treated, UTI89-infected controls: [(CAPE-treated – DMSO-treated)/DMSO-treated * 100]. Shaded areas denote relative changes of 25% or less, and the red bar highlights FAK(Y576) as the phospho-site most altered by CAPE treatment in this analysis. (B and C) BECs were treated with carrier alone (0.1% DMSO), CAPE (25 µg/mL), EGCG (25 µg/mL), catechin (25 µg/mL), or resveratrol (22.9 µg/mL) for 1 h prior to a 15-min infection with UTI89 in the continued presence of each reagent. BEC lysates were then collected, resolved by SDS-PAGE, and probed by western blot analysis to assess (B) pFAK(Y576) and (C) pFAK(Y397) levels relative to total FAK in each sample. Mean values from at least three independent assays are denoted above the representative blots as a percentage (±SD) of the DMSO-treated controls.