Fig 5. miR-14 regulates sensitivity to noxious mechanical inputs.
(A-B) miR-14 mutants exhibit enhanced nocifensive behavior responses. Plots depict (A) proportion of larvae that exhibit nocifensive rolling responses to von Frey fiber stimulation of the indicated intensities and (B) mean number of nocifensive rolls. (C-D) miR-14 mutation does not affect larval responses to non-noxious mechanical stimuli. Plots depict larval responses to (C) gentle touch and (D) vibration for larvae of the indicated genotypes. (E) Plots depict nocifensive rolling response probability (y-axis) and latency (x-axis) of control and miR-14 mutant larvae to the indicated thermal stimuli. (F-G) miR-14 functions in epidermal cells to control mechanical nociceptive sensitivity. (F) Plot depicts nocifensive rolling responses to 25 mN von Frey fiber stimulation of larvae expressing a miR-14 sponge or a control sponge with scrambled miR-14 binding sites under control of the indicated GAL4 driver (Ubiq, ubiquitous expression via Actin-GAL4; Epi, epidermal expression via A58-GAL4; PNS, md neuron expression via 5-40-GAL4). (G) Plot depicts nocifensive rolling responses to 25 mN von Frey fiber stimulation of miR-14 mutant larvae expressing the indicated GAL4 drivers with or without UAS-miR-14. (H-J) miR-14 acts independent of known pathways for nociceptive sensitization. Plots depict nocifensive rolling responses to 25 mN von Frey fiber stimulation of control or miR-14 mutant larvae (G) 24 h following mock treatment or UV irradiation and (H) following 24 h of feeding vehicle or vinblastine, or (I) of miR-14 mutant larvae carrying loss-of-function mutations in the indicated sensory channels. NS, not significant, *P<0.05, Fisher’s exact test with a BH correction (A, H-J), Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a Dunn’s multiple comparisons test, or Chi-square test (G). (B-D). The number of larvae tested is shown for each condition.