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. 2024 May 7;19(5):e0302895. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302895

Table 7. Demographics based on type of gender-affirming surgery: Feminizing versus masculinizing.

(N = 293)
(N = 917)
(N = 1210)
Age at index dateb  <0.001
    < = 20  11 (3.8%) 163 (17.8%) 174 (14.4%)
    21–30  104 (35.5%) 541 (59.0%) 645 (53.3%)
    31–40  86 (29.4%) 148 (16.1%) 234 (19.3%)
    41–64  72 (24.6%) 63 (6.9%) 135 (11.2%)
    65+  20 (6.8%) 2 (0.2%) 22 (1.8%)
Age at index date—Mean (SD)  37.7 (14.1) 27.2 (8.05) 29.7 (10.8) <0.001
Surgery start year  <0.001
    2013–2016  8 (2.7%) 166 (18.1%) 174 (14.4%)
    2017–2018  24 (8.2%) 177 (19.3%) 201 (16.6%)
    2019  37 (12.6%) 99 (10.8%) 136 (11.2%)
    2020  42 (14.3%) 108 (11.8%) 150 (12.4%)
    2021  74 (25.3%) 134 (14.6%) 208 (17.2%)
    2022–2023  108 (36.9%) 233 (25.4%) 341 (28.2%)
Surgery start year–Mean (SD)  2020 (1.72) 2020 (2.59) 2020 (2.48) 1.00
Race  0.055c
    White 255 (89.8%) 769 (86.4%) 1024 (84.6%)
    Black or African American  1 (0.4%) 20 (2.2%) 21 (1.7%)
    Asian  8 (2.8%) 20 (2.2%) 28 (2.3%)
    American Indian/Alaska Native  7 (2.5%) 13 (1.5%) 20 (1.7%)
    Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander  1 (0.4%) 3 (0.3%) 4 (0.3%)
    Other  12 (4.1%) 65 (7.3%) 77 (6.4%)
    Unknown race  9 (-) 27 (-) 36 (3.0%)
Ethnicity  0.006
    Hispanic/Latino  17 (6.1%) 108 (12.3%) 125 (10.3%)
    Not Hispanic/Latino  260 (93.9%) 773 (87.7%) 1033 (85.4%)
    Unknown ethnicity  16 (-) 36 (-) 52 (4.3%)
Body Mass Index categoryd  <0.001
    Underweight (<18.5)  12 (4.1%) 14 (1.6%) 26 (2.1%)
    Normal (18.5–24.99)  124 (42.6%) 293 (32.6%) 417 (34.5%)
    Overweight (25.0–29.99)  85 (29.2%) 260 (29.0%) 345 (28.5%)
    Obese (> = 30)  70 (24.1%) 331 (36.9%) 401 (33.1%)
    Unknown BMI  2 (-) 19 (-) 21 (1.7%)
Body Mass Index—Mean (SD)d  26.6 (6.13) 28.7 (6.79) 28.2 (6.70) <0.001
Body Mass Index—Mean (SD)e  26.6 (6.09) 28.6 (6.76) 28.1 (6.65) <0.001
Marriage Status 
    Married/Life partner  85 (29.0%) 216 (23.6%) 301 (24.9%)
    Divorced/Legally separated  33 (11.3%) 24 (2.6%) 57 (4.7%)
    Widowed  7 (2.4%) 0 (0%) 7 (0.6%)
    Single  150 (51.2%) 620 (67.6%) 770 (63.6%)
    Unknown/Other  18 (6.1%) 57 (6.2%) 75 (6.2%)
Sex (EHRf reported)  0.093c
    Female  191 (65.4%) 597 (65.4%) 788 (65.1%)
    Male  101 (34.7%) 303 (33.2%) 404 (33.4%)
    Nonbinary  0 (0%) 13 (1.4%) 13 (1.1%)
    Unknown sex  1 (-) 4 (-) 5 (0.4%)
Gender identity  <0.001 c
    Female  86 (29.4%) 14 (1.5%) 100 (8.3%)
    Male  2 (0.7%) 118 (12.9%) 120 (9.9%)
    Transgender Female  174 (59.4%) 3 (0.3%) 177 (14.6%)
    Transgender Male  1 (0.3%) 344 (37.5%) 345 (28.5%)
    Non-binary  9 (3.1%) 133 (14.5%) 142 (11.7%)
    Unknown gender identity  21 (7.2%) 305 (33.3%) 326 (26.9%)
Insurance status  <0.001 c
    Commercial  217 (74.1%) 642 (70.0%) 859 (71.0%)
    Medicaid  32 (10.9%) 57 (6.2%) 89 (7.4%)
    Medicare  35 (11.9%) 28 (3.1%) 63 (5.2%)
    Misc Government  2 (0.7%) 23 (2.5%) 25 (2.1%)
    Unknown insurance  7 (2.4%) 167 (18.2%) 174 (14.4%)
State 0.003 §
    Idaho  19 (6.5%) 77 (8.4%) 96 (7.9%)
    Nevada  12 (4.1%) 35 (3.8%) 47 (3.9%)
    Utah  243 (82.9%) 668 (72.9%) 911 (75.3%)
    Wyoming  2 (0.7%) 14 (1.5%) 16 (1.3%)
    Other statesg  17 (5.8%) 122 (13.3%) 139 (11.5%)
    Unknown state  0 (-) 1 (-) 1 (0.1%)
Rurality  0.893
    Urban  266 (90.8%) 836 (91.3%) 1102 (91.1%)
    Rural  27 (9.2%) 80 (8.7%) 107 (8.8%)
    Unknown  0 (-) 1 (-) 1 (0.1%)
Surgery type  <0.001
    Top  73 (24.9%) 834 (90.9%) 907 (75.0%)
    Bottom  156 (53.2%) 42 (4.6%) 198 (16.4%)
    Both  64 (21.8%) 41 (4.5%) 105 (8.7%)

aMissing values were not included when calculating the p-values (chi-square test is used to compare categories, t-test is used to compare means).

bIndex date = year of first surgery.

c Fisher’s exact test used.

dMean BMI before and closest to index date.

eMean BMI of all BMI’s prior to index date.

fEHR = Electronic Health Record.

gOther state include: AZ, CA, CO, CT, HI, IL, KY, MD, MO, MS, MT, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, WA.