Inhibitory impacts of standard chemotherapy and the most active nanocomplex on the self-renewal potential of human and mouse glioma stem cells (GSCs) and radioresistance GSCs-RR. (A) Inhibition potency of temozolomide (TMZ) and diethyldithiocarbamate (DE)-FeO NPs on sphere formation of human MGG18, mouse GS, MGG18-RR, and GSRR as indicated by (I) dose response curves and (II) half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values as well as (B) morphological variations of the formed spheres using (I,II) phase contrast microscopy and (III) fluorescence microscopy for mCherry-labeled GS and GSRR. (C) A decrease in (I,II) counts and (III,IV) area of the formed treated spheres (MGG18, GS, MGG18-RR, and GSRR, respectively) relative to the untreated control. Data are demonstrated as mean ± SEM. DE-FeO NPs nanocomplex was compared to TMZ. Values are considered statistically significant at p < 0.05*, <0.01**, and <0.001***.