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. 2024 May 7;23:156. doi: 10.1186/s12933-024-02244-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of 8 658 participants according to TyG and hsCRP levels

Characteristics Overall TyG < median & hsCRP < 1 mg/L TyG ≥ median & hsCRP ≥ 1 mg/L P value
Participants, No 8658 2412 2503
Age, years, mean (SD) 58.58 (9.01) 57.78 (8.96) 59.18 (8.92)  < 0.001
Sex, Female, n (%) 3988 (46.1) 1165 (48.3) 1037 (41.4)  < 0.001
Residence, n (%)  < 0.001
 Rural 6976 (80.7) 2023 (84.0) 1891 (75.6)
 Urban 1672 (19.3) 386 (16.0) 611 (24.4)
 Marriage, married, n (%) 7754 (89.6) 2170 (90.0) 2231 (89.1) 0.108
Educational level, n (%) 0.603
 Primary 5833 (67.4) 1632 (67.7) 1668 (66.7)
 Secondary 1844 (21.3) 511 (21.2) 525 (21.0)
 Third 975 (11.3) 269 (11.2) 308 (12.3)
Smoking status, n (%) 0.263
 Never 5157 (59.6) 1451 (60.3) 1513 (60.5)
 Former 629 (7.3) 162 (6.7) 199 (8.0)
 Current 2862 (33.1) 794 (33.0) 789 (31.5)
 Current drinking, n (%) 2991 (34.6) 817 (34.0) 857 (34.3) 0.17
BMIa, kg/m2
 Continuous 23.76 (6.03) 23.89 (6.20) 23.85 (6.05) 0.333
  < 23.9 4018 (56.2) 1129 (56.5) 1142 (55.4) 0.861
 24–27.9 1559 (21.8) 419 (21.0) 467 (22.6)
  ≥ 28 1567 (21.9) 452 (22.6) 453 (22.0)
 Hypertension, n (%) 3704 (42.8) 1045 (43.3) 1069 (42.7) 0.905
 Antihypertensive, n (%) 1289 (14.9) 363 (15.0) 353 (14.1) 0.520
 Diabetes, n (%) 1577 (18.2) 216 (9.0) 772 (30.8)  < 0.001
 Antidiabetic, n (%) 254 (2.9) 71 (2.9) 77 (3.1) 0.953

Data are presented as the mean (SD) or number (%), as appropriate. Number of missing: BMI (n = 1514); residence (n = 10); smoking (n = 10); drinking (n = 13); education (n = 6). Median TyG index: 8.6

SD standard deviation, BMI body mass index, TyG triglyceride-glucose index, hsCRP high-sensitivity C-reactive protein

aCalculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared