Fig. 5. Thermal management of MC-MOF/polymer.
(A) Thermal conductivity of glass and Zr-DPA/EP. (B) Schematic diagram of an infrared (IR) thermal imaging camera monitoring the heat transfer process. Infrared thermal imaging of glass after (C) 15 s and (D) 60s on a hot plate. Infrared thermal imaging of Zr-DPA/EP after (E) 15 s and (F) 60s on a hot plate. (G) Temperature changes after solar irradiation of black blocks in glass or Zr-DPA/EP models. Temperature difference of the black block in the glass and Zr-DPA/EP models at (H) 9:00 a.m. and (I) 15:00 p.m. (J) Monthly heating energy savings of Buildings with Zr-DPA/EP in New York, Chicago, and Boston. (K) Monthly heating energy savings of Buildings with Zr-DPA/EP in Beijing, Harbin, and Toronto. (L) Comparison of total heating energy consumption of buildings using glass and Zr-DPA/EP in six cities.