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. 2024 May 8;15:3851. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47908-y

Table 2.

Pharmacokinetic parameter estimates from the simultaneous population pharmacokinetic model of primaquine-carboxyprimaquine in breastfeeding women using plasma, capillary, and breast milk concentrations

Parameter Population estimates a (%RSE) b 95%CI b IIVa [%CV] (%RSE) b 95%CI b
F 1 fixed -

IIV: 15.7 (10.2)

IOV: 20.5 (9.29)

IIV: 12.7–18.9

IOV: 16.8–24.9

MTT (h) 1.44 (9.43) 1.19–1.77

IIV: 20.5 (13.3)

IOV: 56.8 (8.62)

IIV: 15.5–26.4

IOV: 48.1–69.3

FM (%) 0.282 (8.14) 0.239–0.330 42.1 (11.2) 32.6–51.7
CL/FPQ (L/h) 17.1 (5.85) 15.1–18.9 15.1 (13.1) 11.1–19.1
V/FPQ (L) 131 (7.26) 114–151 19.2 (19.0) 14.6–28.0
CL/FCPQ (L/h) 0.967 (7.56) 0.825–1.12 26.7 (12.0) 20.5–33.4
V/FCPQ (L) 22.7 (6.82) 19.8–26.0 17.7 (15.9) 12.8–23.6
CFPQ 0.898 (2.69) 0.851–0.943 - -
CFCPQ 1.06 (1.25) 1.03–1.08 - -
Q/FPQ (L/h) c 0.400 (19.4) 0.282–0.582 89.7 (8.76) 69.3–110
Q/FCPQ (L/h) c 0.400 (19.4) 0.282–0.582 89.7 (8.76) 69.3–110
VM/FPQ (L) Calculated using infant body weight d - - -
VM/FCPQ (L) Calculated using infant body weight d - - -
PCPQ 0.376 (3.70) 0.350–0.405 - -
PCCPQ 0.00889 (3.13) 0.00834–0.00945 - -
σPQ-venous 0.102 (3.93) 0.0863–0.118 - -
σCPQ-venous 0.0198 (4.01) 0.0169–0.0234 - -
σPQ-capillary 0.0570 (5.95) 0.0453–0.0733
σCPQ-capillary 0.0115 (6.05) 0.00902–0.0145
σPQ-breast milk 0.156 (6.47) 0.123–0.203 - -
σCPQ-breast milk 0.0911 (5.09) 0.0733–0.110 - -
Secondary pharmacokinetic parameters of primaquine and carboxyprimaquine
Primaquine Carboxyprimaquine
Plasma Median (min-max) Median (min-max)
    TMAX (h) 2.80 (1.29–5.87) 6.78 (4.71–12.3)
    CMAX (ng/mL) 120 (44.8–184) 1255 (822–2194)
    AUC0-336h (μg × h/mL) 14.3 (1.41–31.4) 349 (40.2–681)
    Half-life (h) 4.95 (4.05–9.78) 17.2 (10.0–27.4)
Breast milk
    TMAX (h) 3.43 (1.77–6.22) 7.67 (5.01–12.5)
    CMAX (ng/mL) 44.7 (16.6–69.0) 11.2 (7.26–19.5)
    AUC0-336h (μg × h/mL) 5.38 (0.530–11.8) 3.10 (0.357–6.05)

a Population mean values, inter-individual variability (IIV) and inter-occasion variability (IOV) were estimated by NONMEM. The coefficient of variation (%CV) for IIV and IOV was calculated as 100×expestimate1.

bRelative standard error (%RSE) and 95 % confidence interval (95%CI) were assessed by sampling importance resampling (SIR).

cThese values were set to be equal.

d Volume of breast milk compartment was calculated as VM=0.15(L/kg/day)×infantbodyweight(kg)numberoffeeds(/day).

PQ, primaquine; CPQ, carboxyprimaquine; F, relative bioavailability; MTT, mean transit absorption time; FM, fraction of primaquine converted to carboxyprimaquine during first-pass metabolism; CL, apparent elimination clearance; V, apparent volume of distribution of the central compartment; CF, conversion factor between venous and capillary drug concentrations; Q, apparent intercompartmental clearance between central and breast milk compartment; VM, apparent volume of distribution of breast milk compartment; PC, fraction of drug distributed from central compartment to breast milk compartment; σ, variance of the residual variability incorporated as an additive error on the logarithmic scale; TMAX, time to reach maximum concentration; CMAX, maximum concentration; AUC0-336h, area under the concentration-time curve from time 0 to 336 h.