Figure 1.
Effects of (CTG)n·(CAG)n repeats on reporter gene expression in human SW480 cells. (A) Schematic representation of the luciferase reporter gene with its regulatory regions. (B) Effects of the longest (CTG)n·(CAG)n repeats placed in the 3′- or 5′-UTRs of the reporter. Expression levels are relative to the control pGL2 plasmid. The dashed line represents the control level of expression. (C) (CTG)n·(CAG)n repeats in the reporter 5′-UTR inhibit its expression in a length- and orientation-dependent manner. All expression values are relative to the control pGL2 plasmid. Closed circles, (CAG)n repeats in the sense strand; open circles, (CTG)n repeats in the sense strand.