Local healthcare retrospective data |
Historical healthcare data that is curated within the primary healthcare delivery organization seeking to adopt an AI product. The local data can be sourced from a variety of systems, including the EHR, radiology PACS system, medical claims, audit logs, electrocardiograms, and high-frequency vital sign monitors. When a model is internally developed, the local healthcare retrospective data set is used for training the model. |
Local healthcare prospective data |
Real-time healthcare data that is curated within the primary healthcare delivery organization seeking to adopt an AI product. The local data can be sourced from a variety of systems, including the EHR, radiology PACS system, medical claims, audit logs, electrocardiograms, and high-frequency vital sign monitors. The local healthcare prospective data set is used for validating a model during a ‘silent trial’ and for using the model in clinical care. |
Local non-healthcare data |
Non-healthcare data that is curated within a geographic setting where a healthcare delivery organization is based. The local non-healthcare data can be derived from a variety of external sources, including US Census. |
Training data |
Data used for training a model. When the model is externally developed, the training data set contains data from an external source. When the model is internally developed, the training data set is sourced from local healthcare retrospective data. |
Literature review |
Data collected through reviewing previously published scholarly works on a specific topic. |
Organizational data |
Data that describes characteristics of organizations, their internal structures, processes, and behavior as corporate actors in different social and economic contexts. The organizational data includes Key performance Indicators (KPIs) that quantify progress toward strategic and operational goals. |
Qualitative data |
Data collected through qualitative research methods, including surveys, focus groups, and interviews. |