FIG. 8.
Detection of the endogenous hCGBP DNA-binding activity. (A) Detection of endogenous DNA-binding activity due to hCGBP epitopes. EMSA was performed as described in Materials and Methods, using the CG11 probe and a heparin-fractionated nuclear extract derived from K562 cells. Chicken antiserum raised against the hCGBP fusion protein (720-bp cDNA fragment) (hCGBP Ab), preimmune serum, or immunodepleted antiserum was added where indicated. The arrows indicate the positions of hCGBP and supershifted (SS) complexes. (B) Analysis of the DNA-binding specificity of native hCGBP. EMSA was performed as described above, with the addition of a 200-fold molar excess of the indicated oligonucleotide competitors (as described for Fig. 2). The arrow indicates the position of the hCGBP complex. Homol, homologous competitor.