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. 2021 May 26;24(15):5113–5126. doi: 10.1017/S1368980021002202

Table 3.

Average consumption of fibre and minerals according to the quintiles of percentage of energy derived from the consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPF) from regulars in a Brazilian health promotion service. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil (2013–2014)

Nutrients Sex Average sd Percent quintiles of UPF energetic contribution/total dietary energy,* Standardised regression coefficient§
1 sd 2 sd 3 sd 4 sd 5 sd Crude Adjusted
Fibre (g/1000 kcal)   Women 12·2 4·4 13·6a 4·9 12·8b 4·3 12·4b,c 4·0 11·8c 4·1 10·5d 3·9 −1·04** −1·03**
  Men 11·7 4·3 13·5a 4·5 11·9a,b 4·2 11·2a,b 3·7 10·9b 3·6 8·8c 3·2 −1·60** −1·59**
  Total 12·2 4·4 13·6a 4·8 12·8b 4·3 12·4b,c 4·0 11·8c 4·1 10·4d 3·9 −1·08** −1·10**
 Ca (mg/1000 kcal)   Women 372·0 173·5 358·3a 170·2 375·5a,b 173·6 392·3b,c 176·8 378·9a,b 178·1 354·1a 165·7 −13·86 −16·71**
  Men 331·2 156·1 337·9a 165·6 342a 160·3 322·5a 136·9 348·9a 176·6 294·7a 120·5 −4·02 −3·83
  Total 367·2 171·9 354·5a 169·3 371·4a,b 172·5 385·2b 174·4 376·0a,b 177·9 348·6a 163·0 −4·00 −5·32
 Fe (mg/1000 kcal)   Women 5·1 1·5 5·4a 1·6 5·3a 1·5 5·1a 1·4 5·1a 1·5 4·7b 1·5 −0·44** −0·42**
  Men 5·4 1·6 5·9a 1·8 5·3a,b 1·6 5·2a,b 1·2 4·9b 1·2 4·8b 1·4 −0·22** −0·22**
  Total 5·1 1·5 5·5a 1·6 5·3a,b 1·5 5·1b 1·4 5·1b 1·5 4·7c 1·5 −0·26** −0·25**
 P (mg/1000 kcal)   Women 574·4 168·9 605·9a 175·6 592·1a,b 172·8 598·2a 166·8 566·2b 160·8 513·5c 153·1 −33·32** −33·63**
  Men 563·9 167·3 592·3a 172·1 594·8a 178·7 558·7a,b 140·7 560·4a 172·6 474·4b 130·3 −40·79** −42·11**
  Total 573·2 168·8 603·6a 174·8 591·6a 173·5 595·7a 164·7 564·9b 161·8 510·2c 151·4 −33·78** −34·81**
 Mg (mg/1000 kcal)   Women 131·8 39·5 141·4a 39·0 137·7a 39·6 135·9a 36·9 129·0b 38·8 116·5c 38·5 −8·92** −8·88**
  Men 127·2 37·1 140·6a 37·4 133·1a,b 37·7 121·3b,c 30·2 124·4a,c 35·0 101·7d 30·9 −13·36** −12·99**
  Total 131·5 39·3 141·7a 38·7 137·3a 39·4 134. 8a 36·5 128·5b 38·5 115·2c 38·0 −9·29** −9·45**
 K (mg/1000 kcal)   Women 1399·4 398·4 1552·9a 429·1 1495·6a,b 388·7 1448·6b 371·8 1349·4c 353·1 1169·6d 335·2 −138·65** −138·63**
  Men 1316·8 359·4 1490·5a 373·6 1383·5a,b 368·1 1258·6b 232·7 1252·5b 290·1 1006·9c 252·8 −169·19** −169·65**
  Total 1389·5 394·8 1541·3a 419·6 1481·9a,b 387·9 1429·2b 364·7 1340·2c 348·3 1154·6d 331·5 −139·32** −142·94**
 Na (mg/1000 kcal)   Women 883·8 430·0 762·8a 411·0 840·9b 440·7 868·2b,c 342·4 931·0d 413·2 1002·5d 491·5 83·82** 84·06**
  Men 838·9 449·3 722·3a 389·4 825·0a,b,c 582·7 860·8a.b,c 480·1 965·2b,c 356·1 935·9c 352·2 90·23** 88·55**
  Total 878·4 432·5 755·3a 407·1 838·9b 460·3 867·5b,c 357·7 934·3c,d 408·0 996·2d 480·2 85·59** 84·89**

Values with the same letter do not differ using the ANOVA and Scheffe test at 5 % of probability.

P value <0·05 for linear trend test of food consumption variables according to UPFS consumption quintiles.

Percentage of total energy consumption from UPF: average (amplitude): Q1 = 8·4 % (0 to 14·4); Q2 = 18·5 % (14·4 to 22·6); Q3 = 26·4 % (22·6 to 30·4); Q4 = 34·9 % (30·4 to 40·6); Q5 = 50·2 % (40·6 to 85·7).


Obtained by Linear Regression of the amount of dietary nutrients in the quintiles of energy percentage from consumption of UFP and expressed in units of sD.

Adjusted by sex, age, years of education and marital status.


P value statistically significant at P < 0·05.