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. 2024 Apr 27;14(9):1311. doi: 10.3390/ani14091311

Table 4.

Estimated elemental contribution (%) of carp (C. carpio) spine (10 g), bones (10 g) and fillet (100 g) to dietary reference value for various population groups.

Element Population Group mg per Day * Dietary Reference Value (DRV) Spine Bones Fillet
K women 3500 a %AI 0 0 11
men 3500 a 0 0 11
children 1450 b 1 1 28
Na women 2000 a %AI 2 2 3
men 2000 a 2 2 3
children 1500 b 2 3 3
Ca women 975 c %PRI 70 119 3
men 975 c 70 119 3
children 800 d 86 146 4
Mg women 300 a %AI 3 5 10
men 350 a 2 4 9
children 230 e 4 6 13
Fe women 16 a %PRI 0 0 4
men 11 a 0 0 6
children 9 f 0 0 8
Cu women 1.3 a %AI 1 1 9
men 1.6 a 1 1 7
children 1 e 1 1 11
Zn women 10.125 g %PRI 4 5 3
men 12.85 g 3 4 2
children 6.45 b 7 8 4
Mn women 3 a %AI 2 3 3
men 3 a 2 3 3
children 1.25 b 4 6 7

K, Potassium; Na, Sodium; Ca, Calcium; Mg, Magnesium; Fe, Iron; Cu, Copper; Zn, Zinc; Mn, Manganese. * DRV—Dietary Reference Value (mg per day); PRI—population reference intake; AI—an adequate intake; source for nutrients requirements EFSA [38]. a DRV for adults, i.e., non-lactating, non-pregnant, premenopausal women and men aged 18 and older (≥18). b DRV for children (male and female) aged 4–10 years—average calculated from the standards for the age group 4–6 years and 7–10 years. c DRV for adults (male and female) aged 18 and older (≥18)—average calculated from the standards for the age group 18–24 years and ≥25 years. d DRV for children (male and female) aged 4–10 years. e DRV for children (male and female) aged 3–9 years. f DRV for children (male and female) aged 4–10 years—average calculated from the standards for the age group 4–6 years and 7–10 years for boys and group 4–6 years and 7–11 years for girls. g DRV is given as the average calculated from the standards for women (7.5–12.7 mg/day) and men (9.4–16.3 mg/day).