Table 1.
Baseline Characteristics of Patients With Incident Herpes Zoster or Postherpetic Neuralgia (2019)
Herpes Zoster (n = 38 471 527) | Postherpetic Neuralgia (n = 38 477 362) | |||
No (n = 38 283 283) | Yes (n = 188 244) | No (n = 38 467 713) | Yes (n = 9649) | |
Age, y, mean (SD) | 46.39 (17.23) | 56.04 (15.72) | 46.43 (17.23) | 63.17 (14.96) |
Age categories, y | ||||
19 | 1 259 988 (3.3) | 522 (0.3) | 1 260 530 (3.3) | 6 (0.1) |
20–24 | 3 302 350 (8.6) | 3007 (1.6) | 3 305 438 (8.6) | 31 (0.3) |
25–29 | 3 420 131 (8.9) | 6590 (3.5) | 3 426 793 (8.9) | 108 (1.1) |
30–34 | 3 396 931 (8.9) | 9483 (5.0) | 3 406 515 (8.9) | 218 (2.3) |
35–39 | 3 405 749 (8.9) | 11 608 (6.2) | 3 417 532 (8.9) | 283 (2.9) |
40–44 | 3 176 023 (8.3) | 12 496 (6.6) | 3 188 577 (8.3) | 374 (3.9) |
45–49 | 3 431 833 (9.0) | 16 560 (8.8) | 3 448 394 (9.0) | 594 (6.2) |
50–54 | 3 597 071 (9.4) | 21 356 (11.3) | 3 618 387 (9.4) | 875 (9.1) |
55–59 | 3 946 127 (10.3) | 26 955 (14.3) | 3 972 801 (10.3) | 1311 (13.6) |
60–64 | 3 833 251 (10.0) | 28 150 (15.0) | 3 860 722 (10.0) | 1555 (16.1) |
65–69 | 2 140 699 (5.6) | 17 017 (9.0) | 2 156 975 (5.6) | 1138 (11.8) |
70–74 | 1 367 071 (3.6) | 13 127 (7.0) | 1 379 351 (3.6) | 1083 (11.2) |
75–79 | 930 044 (2.4) | 9561 (5.1) | 938 932 (2.4) | 824 (8.5) |
80–84 | 297 959 (0.8) | 3323 (1.8) | 300 976 (0.8) | 347 (3.6) |
≥85 | 778 056 (2.0) | 8489 (4.5) | 785 790 (2.0) | 902 (9.3) |
Sex | ||||
Male | 17 737 533 (46.3) | 68 953 (36.6) | 17 805 322 (46.3) | 3429 (35.5) |
Female | 20 545 750 (53.7) | 119 291 (63.4) | 20 662 391 (53.7) | 6220 (64.5) |
Payer type | ||||
Commercial | 23 962 084 (62.6) | 114 231 (60.7) | 24 076 940 (62.6) | 4440 (46.0) |
Medicaid | 3 970 740 (10.4) | 37 454 (19.9) | 4 005 547 (10.4) | 3228 (33.5) |
Medicare | 11 379 748 (29.7) | 43 769 (23.3) | 11 421 176 (29.7) | 2541 (26.3) |
Other/unknown | 533 889 (1.4) | 1546 (0.8) | 535 427 (1.4) | 50 (0.5) |
Quan-Charlson Comorbidity Index scorea | ||||
0 | 31 031 689 (81.1) | 120 199 (63.9) | 31 151 370 (81.0) | 4766 (49.4) |
1 | 3 485 415 (9.1) | 25 801 (13.7) | 3 510 406 (9.1) | 1547 (16.0) |
≥2 | 3 766 179 (9.8) | 42 244 (22.4) | 3 805 937 (9.9) | 3336 (34.6) |
Comorbidities | ||||
Alcohol use | 570 588 (1.5) | 3236 (1.7) | 573 679 (1.5) | 192 (2.0) |
Arrhythmia | 2 132 973 (5.6) | 22 551 (12.0) | 2 154 284 (5.6) | 1639 (17.0) |
Asthma | 1 778 919 (4.6) | 15 716 (8.3) | 1 794 005 (4.7) | 943 (9.8) |
Cancer | 1 009 589 (2.6) | 13 511 (7.2) | 1 022 504 (2.7) | 903 (9.4) |
Cardiovascular disease | 10 185 676 (26.6) | 90 337 (48.0) | 10 271 908 (26.7) | 6154 (63.8) |
Coronary artery disease | 1 462 550 (3.8) | 16 808 (8.9) | 1 478 333 (3.8) | 1296 (13.4) |
Cerebrovascular disease | 812 338 (2.1) | 9453 (5.0) | 821 102 (2.1) | 837 (8.7) |
Chronic kidney disease | 1 105 202 (2.9) | 13 961 (7.4) | 1 118 120 (2.9) | 1258 (13.0) |
Chronic lung disease | 2 361 349 (6.2) | 22 959 (12.2) | 2 383 203 (6.2) | 1520 (15.8) |
Congestive heart failure | 722 391 (1.9) | 8681 (4.6) | 730 453 (1.9) | 731 (7.6) |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 597 688 (1.6) | 7870 (4.2) | 605 023 (1.6) | 636 (6.6) |
Dementia | 343 019 (0.9) | 3658 (1.9) | 346 372 (0.9) | 345 (3.6) |
Diabetes | 1 713 012 (4.5) | 18 230 (9.7) | 1 730 006 (4.5) | 1520 (15.8) |
Hypertension | 8 892 597 (23.2) | 79 043 (42.0) | 8 967 833 (23.3) | 5541 (57.4) |
Liver disease | 780 442 (2.0) | 7727 (4.1) | 787 756 (2.0) | 534 (5.5) |
Obesity | 2 707 347 (7.1) | 22 153 (11.8) | 2 728 538 (7.1) | 1407 (14.6) |
Pregnancy | 690 997 (1.8) | 1763 (0.9) | 692 764 (1.8) | 38 (0.4) |
Psoriatic arthritis | 62 902 (0.2) | 778 (0.4) | 63 654 (0.2) | 44 (0.5) |
Rheumatoid arthritis | 219 547 (0.6) | 3885 (2.1) | 223 175 (0.6) | 328 (3.4) |
Tobacco use/smoking | 3 280 304 (8.6) | 27 108 (14.4) | 3 306 196 (8.6) | 1722 (17.8) |
Autoimmune conditions | 688 401 (1.8) | 9545 (5.1) | 697 444 (1.8) | 724 (7.5) |
Immunocompromisedb | ||||
Any | 424 727 (1.1) | 6282 (3.3) | 430 628 (1.1) | 500 (5.2) |
HIV infection | 168 399 (0.4) | 2233 (1.2) | 170 472 (0.4) | 187 (1.9) |
Organ transplant or immunosuppressive therapy | 51 485 (0.1) | 1146 (0.6) | 52 588 (0.1) | 87 (0.9) |
Blood transplant/stem cell transplant | 35 881 (0.1) | 974 (0.5) | 36 792 (0.1) | 87 (0.9) |
Primary immunodeficiency | 33 166 (0.1) | 471 (0.3) | 33 610 (0.1) | 34 (0.4) |
Active malignancy | 340 323 (0.9) | 3525 (1.9) | 343 684 (0.9) | 237 (2.5) |
Data are presented as No. (%) unless noted otherwise.
aThe Quan–Charlson Comorbidity Index score includes the following clinical conditions: myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, chronic pulmonary disease, rheumatologic disease, peptic ulcer disease, mild liver disease, diabetes, diabetes with chronic complications, hemiplegia or paraplegia, renal disease, any malignancy (including leukemia or lymphoma), moderate or severe liver disease, metastatic solid tumor, and AIDS. Comorbidity weights were taken from the original Charlson Comorbidity Index by Charlson et al [8].
bImmunocompromised status defined according to Polinski et al [9].