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. 2000 Mar;20(6):2269–2284. doi: 10.1128/mcb.20.6.2269-2284.2000


Strains and plasmids

Strain or plasmid Source and/or reference Genotype or description
 W303 M. Rosbash (20) MATa ade2-1 ura3-1 trp1.1 leu2-3,112 his3-11,15
crm1.1 L. Davis (20, 32) MATa crm1-1 ade2 ura3 trp1 leu2 his3
CRM1+ This study MATa crm1-1 ade2 ura3 trp1 leu2 his3; pLDB391 (CRM1 LEU2) integrated at CRM1
 EGY48 M. Rosbash MATα his3 ura3 trp13 lexA-op-LEU2; pSH18-34 (URA3 6lexA-op-lacZ)
 RFY206 M. Rosbash MATa his3 leu2 trp1 lys2 ura3; pSH18-34 (URA3 6lexA-op-lacZ)
Yeast plasmids
 pLDB391 L. Davis (32) XhoI-AatII fragment containing CRM1 ORF cloned into HindIII site (blunt ended) of pRS305 (LEU2)
 pCGF-1A (pPS808) P. Silver (13) pPS293-based vector, 2μm, GFP under GAL promoter control, URA3, Ampr
 pGFP This study pCGF-1A with terminator sequence from ADH in SalI and SphI sites
 pGFP-IκBα This study Full-length human IκBα cDNA was cloned in frame after GFP in BamHI and XbaI sites of pGFP vector
 pGFP-IκBαNEc This study Full-length human IκBα cDNA with leucine-to-alanine mutations at residues 272, 274, and 277 (L234) was cloned in frame after GFP
 pGFP-NΔ32IκBα This study Human IκBα cDNA encoding residues from the number indicated after Δ (e.g., residue 32 in pGFP-NΔ32IκBα) to the end of the protein (residue 317) was cloned in frame after GFP
 pGFP-NΔ32IκBαNEc This study Same as above, except that the constructs contain L234 mutations at the C terminus
 pGFP-IκBα-LIL3A49 This study Full-length human IκBα cDNA with leucine- or isoleucine-to-alanine mutations at residues 49, 52, and 54 was cloned in frame after GFP
 pGFP-IκBαNEc-LIL3A49 This study Same as above, except that the construct contains L234 mutation at the C terminus
 pGFP-IκBαNEc-LI2A78 This study Full-length human IκBα cDNA with leucine- or isoleucine-to-alanine mutations at residues 78, 82 (LI2A78), 272, 274, and 277 (L234) was cloned in frame after GFP
 pGFP-IκBαNEc-LLII4A78 This study Full-length human IκBα cDNA with leucine- or isoleucine-to-alanine mutations at residues 78, 80, 82, 83 (LLII4A), 272, 274, and 277 (L234) was cloned in frame after GFP
 pGFP-IκBβ This study Full-length mouse IκBβ cDNA was cloned in frame after GFP in BamHI and XbaI sites of pGFP vector
 pGFP-IκBɛ This study Full-length mouse IκBɛ cDNA was cloned in frame after GFP in BamHI and XbaI sites of pGFP vector
 pGFP-p65 This study Full-length mouse p65 cDNA was cloned in frame after GFP in BamHI and XbaI sites of pGFP vector
 p424 (pLDB229) L. Davis 2μm, GALL promoter, CYC1 terminator, TRP1, Ampr
 pGAL1 This study GAL1 promoter of p424 was replaced with GAL1 promoter from pCGF-1A
 pGAL1.HAIκBα This study An HA tag (YPYDVPDYA) was created in the 5′ primer that was used for cloning IκBα by PCR. The full-length HA-tagged IκBα cDNA was inserted in BamHI and EcoRI sites of pGAL1
 pJG 4-5 M. Rosbash 2μm, GAL promoter, ADH terminator, TRP1, Ampr; A cassette containing SV40 NLS, the acid blob B42, and the HA epitope tag was inserted after GAL promoter (NL-B42-HA)
 pJG-Rev M. Rosbash Full-length Rev cDNA was inserted after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pEG202 M. Rosbash 2 μm, ADH promoter, ADH terminator, HIS3, Ampr; a LexA DNA binding domain was inserted after ADH promoter
 pEG202-CRM1 M. Rosbash Full-length cDNA encoding yeast CRM1 was cloned in frame after LexA
 pJG-IκBα This study Full-length human IκBα was inserted in frame at EcoRI and XhoI sites after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pJG-IκBαNEc5A This study Full-length human IκBα with leucine- or isoleucine-to-alanine mutations at residues 265, 269, 272, 274, and 277 was inserted after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pJG-IκBαΔNEc This study Same as above, except that the C-terminal putative NES from residues 265 to 277 (IQQQLGQLTLE) was deleted
 pJG-IκBα-LIL3A49 This study Full-length human IκBα with leucine-to-isoleucine-to-alanine mutations at 49, 52, and 54 (putative N-terminal NES) was cloned in frame after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pJG-IκBαNEc-LIL3A49 This study Same as above, except that in addition to the mutations at the putative N-terminal NES, putative C-terminal NES was mutated (L234)
 pJG-α60 This study A cDNA encoding human IκBα from amino acid residues 1 to 60 was inserted after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pJG-α60-LIL3A49 This study Same as above, except that the putative N-terminal NES was mutated  
 pJG-α73 This study A cDNA encoding human IκBα from amino acid residues 1 to 73 was inserted after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pJG-α73-LIL3A49 This study Same as above, except that the putative N-terminal NES was mutated
 pJG-β56 This study A cDNA encoding mouse IκBβ from residues 1 to 56, right before the first ankyrin repeat was inserted after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pJG-ɛ122 This study A cDNA encoding mouse IκBɛ from residues 1 to 122, right before the first ankyrin repeat was inserted after NL-B42-HA cassette
 pYEX-BX Clontech 2μm, pCUP1, URA3, LEU2-d, Ampr
 pYEX-BX-IκBα This study A HA-tagged, full-length human IκBα was inserted into BamHI and EcoRI sites of pYEX-BX, under the control of a copper-inducible promoter
 pCu.IκBα This study A HindIII (fill in)-EcoRI fragment containing HA-IκBα and the copper-induced promoter was excised from pYEX-BX-IκBα and cloned into SacI (fill in) and EcoRI sites of p424
Mammalian plasmids
 pEGFP.C3 Clontech SV40 ori, pUC ori, pCMV, EGFP, SV40 poly(A), Ampr
 pGFP-p65 This study Full-length mouse p65 cDNA was inserted in frame behind GFP into XhoI and EcoRI sites of pEGFP.C3
 pGFP-IκBα This study Full-length human IκBα cDNA was cloned in frame after GFP
 pGFP-IκBαNEc This study Same as above, except that the construct contains L234 mutations
 pGFP-IκBαNEc-LIL3A49 This study Same as above, except that the construct also contains the N-terminal mutations
 pGFP-IκBα-LIL3A49 This study Same as above, except that the construct does not contain L234 mutations
 pGFP-IκBβ This study Full-length mouse IκBβ cDNA was cloned in frame after GFP
 pGFP-IκBɛ This study Full-length mouse IκBɛ cDNA was cloned in frame after GFP
 pCDNA3 Clontech SV40 ori, ColE1 ori, pCMV, BGH poly(A), Ampr
 pCDNA3.HA-IκBα This study Full-length human IκBα with the HA tag was cloned into pCDNA3

ORF, open reading frame; SV40, simian virus 40; BGH, bovine growth hormone; EGFP, enhanced GFP; ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase.