Schematic illustration of HPV-6 E6, E7, and E1 promoters. The locations of CDP binding sites for HPV-6 are shown, as are the E6, E7, and E1 transcription initiation sites (arrows) and the oligonucleotides used in the EMSAs (gel shift assays) and the functional assays. The 5′ end of E1a, E1p, and E1R-1 is at the translation start site of E7 (nt 528). The 3′ end of E1a is at the AccI site (nt 616); the 3′ end of E1p is just upstream of the E1 transcriptional start site at the DraI site (nt 670). The E1R-1 sequence ends just upstream of the E1 translational start site (nt 829).