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. 2024 May 10;14:10709. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-60935-5

Table 2.

NMR plasma and CSF PK exposures estimated using Bayesian posteriors for AUC0-endoftreatment and Cmax_0-5 days and percent penetration of NMR into the CSF compared to blood.

Animal Cmax_0-5 days (ng/mL) Plasma AUC0-endoftreatment (µg*hr/mL) Plasma AUCdaily_average (µg*hr/mL) Plasma Cmax_0-5 days (ng/mL) CSF AUC0-endoftreatment (µg*hr/mL) CSF AUCdaily_average (µg*hr/mL) CSF % Penetration by Cmax CSF/Plasma % Penetration by AUC CSF/Plasma
1 2270 160 32 105.81 7.11 1.42 4.66 4.44
2 3660 189 37.8 252 12.5 2.5 6.89 6.61
3 2020 92.7 18.54 655.8 28.9 5.78 32.47 31.175
4 796 76.3 15.26 144 11.6 2.32 18.10 15.20
5 1860 80.7 16.14 1169.9 52.21 10.44 62.84 64.7
6 2218 128 25.6 560 30.2 6.04 25.27 23.59
7# 4550 19.55 3.91 NA NA NA NA NA
8 3857.9 99.8 19.96 1107 28.6 5.72 28.70 28.66
9 4879.3 205 41 410 17.4 3.48 8.41 8.49
10 1862.7 128 25.6 271.6 17.6 3.52 14.58 13.75
Median (IQR) 2240 (1860–4030) 113.9 (79.6–167.3) 22.78 (15.92–33.45) 410 (200–880) 17.6 (12.05–29.55) 3.52 (2.41–5.91) 18.1 (7.65–30.59) 15.2 (7.55–29.92)
Median (IQ R)* 2220 (1860–3760) 128 (86.7–174.5) 25.6 (17.34–34.9)
Geometric mean*# (Geometric SD factor) 2480 (1730) 20.25 (1.956)

Units for Cmax converted to ng/mL for consistency. AUC kept in µg*hr/mL.

Cmax maximum concentration, AUC area under the curve, CSF cerebral spinal fluid, T ½ half = life, IQR interquartile range, SD standard deviation.

*Excluding rat 7 as no CSF was obtained from this animal, #Calculated to compare to clinical data.