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. 2024 May 11;13(9):e7168. doi: 10.1002/cam4.7168


Patient characteristics.

N = 459
Age, years, median (range) 58 (28–92)
Weight, kg, median (range) 65 (38–127)
Female gender, n (%) 455 (99.1)
Duration from initial diagnosis, months, median (IQR) 79.4 (47.0–133.4)
Metastatic status at initial diagnosis, n (%)
M0: no distant metastasis 274 (59.8)
M1: metastasis to distant organs 180 (39.3)
Mx: unknown 4 (0.9)
Missing 1
HER2+ status, n (%)
IHC 3+ 390 (85.0)
IHC 2+/ISH+ 64 (13.9)
IHC 2+/ISH− 1 (0.2)
IHC 2+/ISH NA 3 (0.7)
IHC 1+/ISH NA 1 (0.2)
Expression of hormone receptors, n (%)
Positive 290 (67.0)
Negative 143 (33.0)
Missing 26
Tumor status, a n (%)
Unresectable and metastatic 36 (18.9)
Metastatic only 154 (81.1)
Metastatic locations, a n (%)
Bone 263 (57.3)
Lymph nodes 237 (51.6)
Lung 166 (36.2)
Liver 152 (33.1)
Brain 129 (28.1)
Cutaneous/subcutaneous 64 (13.9)
Other 70 (15.3)
ECOG performance status, a n (%)
0 167 (36.4)
1 248 (54.0)
2 42 (9.2)
3 2 (0.4)

Abbreviations: IHC, immunochemistry; ISH, in situ hybridization; NA, not available.


At the time of early access program application.