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. 2024 Apr 17;10(9):e29816. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29816

Table 2.

Prenatal sonographic findings and summary of previously reported cases and the cases in the current report.

Number Publication year Journal Author Title Paper type GA at diagnosis (weeks) Skull Clavicle Nasal bone Long bone Others Family history RUNX2
1 1993 Obstetrics and Gynecology Hamner LH 3rd Prenatal diagnosis of cleidocranial dysostosis case report 15 + 4 NR left clavicle normal, right clavicle absent NR NR NR + NR
20 + 5, 30 left clavicle normal, right clavicle short and poorly mineralized
2 2002 Ultrasound in Obstet Gyne Paladini D Cleidocranial dysostosis Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of a late onset letters to the editor 37 hypo-mineralization cranial bones, unusually obvious intracranial structure, parietal bone deformation under pressure, fronto-parietal bossing moderately hypoplastic low nasal bridge 22 weeks normal, 30 weeks on the 5th centile, 32 and 37 weeks below 5th centile NR + NR
3 2002 Ultrasound in Obstet Gyne Stewart PA Early prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of cleidocranial dysplasia case report 14 + 4, 21 + 2 less well ossified short and hypoplastic NR normal NR + NR
4 2003 Ultrasound in Obstet Gyne Winer N Prenatal diagnosis of a cleidocranial dysplasia-like phenotype associated with a de novo balanced t(2q; 6q)(q36; q16) translocation case report, letters to the editor 24 very poor ossification of the frontal and parietal bones, fronto-parieto-occipital bossing, brachycephaly poor ossification low nasal bridge below the 3rd
poor ossification of the scapulae, short thorax, coronal cleft vertebrae, deficient pelvic ossification with hypoplasia of the
iliac wings
5 2004 Prenatal Diagnosis Chen CP Second-trimester nasal bone hypoplasia/aplasia associated with cleidocranial dysplasia letters to the editor 20, 22, 31 NR NR absent at the 10th centile NR NR
6 2006 Ultrasound in Obstet Gyne Soto E Three-dimensional ultrasound in the prenatal diagnosis of cleidocranial dysplasia associated with B-cell immunodeficiency case report 18 + 3 hypo-mineralization skull bones, well defined brain structures in the nearfield, absence of the squamous portion of the temporal bone, poor ossification of the occipital bone NR absent normal NR
21 + 3 Right clavicle fractured +
7 2008 Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Hove HD An Echo-Poor Spine at 13 Weeks: An Early Sign of Cleidocranial Dysplasia case report 13 + 6 severe delay in calvarial ossification the clavicles were barely seen, lacking the typical S shape NR short femurs severely delayed ossification of the vertebral spine + NR
8 2009 Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Hermann NV Prenatal 3D Ultrasound Diagnostics in Cleidocranial Dysplasia case report 15 + 4, 20 + 5, 24 + 5 severe delay in calvarial ossification, large fontanelles short and without the typical S form absent at the 5th centile normal NT thickness + NR
9 2017 Ultrasound in Obstet Gyne Waelti S Absent nasal bone without other features of Trisomy 21 in pregnant Caucasian women: check the clavicles for cleidocranial dysplasia conference paper 24 fontanelles were large with wide sutures, the brain parenchyma was unusually clearly visible hypoplastic absent normal NR + +
10 2019 Chin J Med Genet Jiao ZH Prenatal diagnosis for two families affected cleidocranial dysplasia due to novel RUNY2 variants sporadic case 24 hypo-mineralization skull bones NR NR at the 3rd centile NR + +
11 2021 Ultrasound in Obstet Delgado, TB Pregnant women and fetus affected by cleidocranial dysplasia: a case report conference paper 20 widening of the coronal suture, a large anterior fontanelle, a prominent forehead, brachycephaly hypoplastic
clavicles with agenesis at the acromial extremity
absent normal + NR
33 + 5 mild polyhydramnios
12 2022 J. Clin. Med Moczulska H Fetal Nasal Bone Hypoplasia in the Second Trimester as a Marker of Multiple Genetic Syndromes sporadic case 19 NR significantly shortened hypoplasia shortening of long bones hypertelorism, small shoulder blades NR +
13 2022 Prenatal Diagnosis Dufke A A single center experience of prenatal parent-fetus trio exome sequencing for pregnancies with congenital anomalies sporadic case 23 frontal bossing, enlarged suturae bilateral short claviculae absent short femurs short ribs NR +
14 2023 Case 1 (current report) case report 13 + 3 hypo-mineralization skull bones, well demonstrated cerebral structures of the near field NR absent normal poor ossification of spine and pelvis, thickened nuchal translucency, congenital bowing of the tibia and fibula +
20 + 4 below the 3rd centile
15 2023 Case 2 (current report) case report 32 + 3 hypo-mineralization skull bones, clearly identified cerebral structures of the near field, skull deformation, prominent parietal and frontal bones short and hypoplastic absent below the 10th centile +