Voltage responses of male rhesus BNST neurons to step current injection during current clamp recordings. A) Current injection protocol used at a holding potential of −70 mV, in which 10 pA steps from −100 to +200 were used across sweeps to elicit hyper- and depolarizing responses. B) Representative trace of responses to increasingly depolarizing current steps (every 4th step from 0 to 20 pA shown). C) EtOH did not affect the number of action potentials fired in response to step current injection. 2xRM-ANOVA: main effect of current step (F20,520 = 25.79, ****p < 0.0001) but no effect of EtOH or interaction (ps > 0.30). D) The proportion of BNST neurons that entered depolarization block during step current injection was not different between CON M and EtOH M (Fisher's exact test: p = 0.153). E) Representative traces illustrating a voltage-gated calcium T-type current (It)-mediated prolonged depolarization following a single action potential (top) and eliciting a doublet (bottom) during depolarizing steps (every other step shown). F) The proportion of neurons displaying It was similar in CON M and EtOH M BNST neurons (Fisher's exact test: p > 0.670). G) The proportion of It + neurons that were basally active was similar in CON M and EtOH M BNST neurons (Fisher's exact test: p > 0.674). H) Representative traces of responses to hyperpolarizing current steps, showing one cell that displayed no voltage sag and a long time to reach the hyperpolarization plateau (top) and another cell that displayed a small voltage sag at the beginning of the hyperpolarization steps (bottom). I-J) The magnitude of voltage sag was small and did not differ in BNST neurons from CON M and EtOH M (I: unpaired t-test: t26 = 0.81, p = 0.423), however it was positively correlated with Ih measured in voltage clamp (J: Pearson's correlation: R = 0.475, *p – 0.014). K-L) The time to hyperpolarization plateau at the step reaching approximately −90 mV did not differ between CON M and EtOH M (K; unpaired t-test: t26 = 0.47, p = 0.644) but was negatively correlated with Ih magnitude (L; Pearson's correlation: R = −0.734, ****p < 0.0001).