Figure 7.
The STRFs of IC neurons remained stable in the presence of salicylate
(A) Example STRFs of 4 example neurons before (left) and after (right) the injection of salicylate. Units A and B correspond to the same units in Figure S4. The STRF of the first three examples remained largely similar, with correlation coefficients 0.83, 0.78 and 0.45, respectively. The last example had a shift in BF, and the correlation coefficient between STRFs was only 0.04. (B and C) The best frequencies (BF) of IC neurons remained similar in the presence of salicylate.
(B) Scatterplot of BFs in salicylate condition against baseline condition. Broken line is the identity line.
(C) Change in BFs upon salicylate injection.
(D) Scatterplot of maximum STRF weight (max(wSTRF)) in salicylate condition against baseline condition. Broken line is the identity line.
(E) Change in max(wSTRF) upon salicylate injection.
(F) Averaged BF-aligned STRF weights before (black) and after (brown) salicylate injection. Error bars represent SEM.