Extended Data Fig. 4. Extended pseudotime analysis, including transplanted microglia isolated from 3 months old AppNL-G-F mice.
a, UMAP plot of the 38,360 mouse microglia isolated from 3 and 6 months AppNL-G-F and AppWT mice passing quality control, coloured by annotated cell states and after removal of CAMs, other myeloid, low quality and proliferating clusters. b, Phenotypic trajectory followed by the human microglia after exposure to amyloid-β in vivo, obtained by an unbiased pseudotime ordering with Monocle 3. c, Density plots displaying the average distribution of human microglia transplanted in 3 months old AppNL-G-F (n = 11) 6 months old AppNL-G-F (n = 9) and AppWT (n = 8) mice (density is normalized to sample size). d, Box plot showing proportion of cells across all identified clusters (eEach dot represents a single mouse, n = 8 for AppWT, n = 11 for AppNL-G-F 3 m, n = 9 for AppNL-G-F 6 m). e, Distribution of cells from different host mouse genetic backgrounds and ages (y-axis) across the DAM and HLA transcriptional trajectories colored by clusters shown in a (Each dot represents a single cell, n = 8 mice (8,974 cells) for AppWT, n = 11 mice (10,822 cells) for AppNL-G-F 3 m, n = 9 mice (12,197 cells) for AppNL-G-F 6 m). f, Phenotypic trajectory followed by the human microglia obtained by an unbiased pseudotime ordering with Monocle 3. Proportion of cells (y-axis) present in each cell state as in a (rows) at different stages of the binned pseudotime trajectory (x-axis) in 3 and 6 months old AppNL-G-F and AppWT mice (Each dot represents a single mouse, n = 8 for AppWT, n = 11 for AppNL-G-F 3 m, n = 9 for AppNL-G-F 6 m; *p < 0.05, ****p < 0.001). Box plots in d, e and f are limited by lower and upper quartiles and midline indicates median; whiskers show minimum to maximum value (d) or extend from the box to the smallest or largest value no further than 1.5*inter-quartile range (e and f). One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons as post-hoc test, alpha = 0.05, significance was set as P-adjusted value < 0.05.