a, Diagram depicting the screening strategy to identify enriched TFs with selective dependency in GSCs.
b, 12 overlapped TFs responsible for DEGs between GSCs and DGCs/NSCs among the top 20 enriched TFs.
c, Top 20 upstream regulators for GCDH transcription, ranked by regulatory potential (RP) score from BETA algorithm. Each dot represents a ChIP-seq sample with analysed TFs labelled on the X axis. TFs with high RP scores are more likely to regulate GCDH.
d, Venn diagram showing the overlapped TFs.
e, MYC ChIP-seq tracks at GCDH gene locus in 8 human cell lines from ENCODE database.
f, The promoter of GCDH harbours a conserved MYC-binding element.
g, h, Correlation between GCDH and MYC mRNA (g) or signature (h).
i-k, RT-qPCR (i, k) and IB (j) analysis of steady-state mRNA, nascent transcripts or protein of GCDH in GSCs with or without MYC inhibition. NRO, nuclear run-on.
l, Cell proliferation of GSC23 cultured in indicated media and treated with or without 0.2 μM MYCi975 for 5 days.
m, Lysine levels in serum and brain tissues from healthy NSG mice or NSG mice bearing GSC23-derived intracranial tumours after dietary lysine restriction for 4 weeks (n = 4 biologically independent mice).
n, Intracellular lysine levels of GSC23 cultured in indicated media for 5 days.
o, Flow cytometry plots and quantification (n = 4 biologically independent mice) of protein synthesis rate in CD147+ human tumour cells as indicated.
p, IF staining of indicated sections from GSC23-derived intracranial tumours (n = 3 biologically independent mice). N, non-tumour; T, tumour. Scale bar, 20 μm.
Data are presented from three independent experiments in i, k, l and n. Representative of two independent experiments in j. Data are presented as mean ± SEM in i and k-o. Pearson’s correlation with two-tailed test for g and h, one-way ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons with adjusted p values for i, m and n, two-tailed unpaired t test for k and o, two-way ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons with adjusted p values for l. ns, not significant.