A) Meshwork configuration after 120 seconds under shear stress, and 120 seconds after releasing the network from the focal adhesion nodes. Edges are color-coded for the force generated by the spectrin spring element. Black lines denote the connecting edges and black circles fixed focal adhesions with −10 nm height. Red edges correspond to myosin. Gray circles represent F-actin nodes and black triangles, linker nodes with an initial height is 0 nm. The cyan line is a scale bar corresponding to 1μm. B) Meshwork on A but color-coded for actin node height. C) Meshwork on A but color-coded for the magnitude of the force generated by the membrane. Boxplot of the spectrin edge length (D), actin node height (E), and membrane force magnitude (F) for the configurations in A-C. The values for the meshwork without myosin (Fig. 4) are given for comparison. G) Evolution of the total number of unbound (blue) and re-bound (green) spectrin edges. H) Evolution of the number of myosin edges. I) Evolution of the total number of attached spectrin edges. In G-I, the thin lines correspond to 31 different simulations, the thick line is the temporal average of the simulations, and the black dotted line shows the evolution of the meshwork without myosin in Figure 4.