The β coefficients (and 95% CIs) are plotted for the association between the overall biomarker level in the first 7 days of ARDS (“status” in sTNFR1 example) and the trajectory (“trajectory” or status × time interaction term) with PICU mortality. In an effort to make meaningful comparisons between biomarkers, values are log transformed and standardized (set to mean = 0, SD = 1), and then adjusted for age, ARDS etiology, immunocompromised status, and initial PaO2/FIO2 in a multivariable mixed effects model. Red dots represent biomarkers with adjusted P < 0.05 with higher levels in nonsurvivors, blue dots represent biomarkers with adjusted P < 0.05 with lower levels in nonsurvivors, and black dots represent those with P > 0.05.