FIG. 3.
Expression of Gag and Env proteins during Drosophila oogenesis. Shown is the immunolocalization of Gag and Env proteins using polyclonal pAbGag and pAbEnv antibodies, respectively, in ovaries of RevI and wIR6 females. (A to C) Gag of ZAM revealed with the pAbGag antibody in a RevI ovariole. (A) Strong immunostaining is detected in each follicle in a few somatic follicle cells which surround the oocyte and in all follicles. (B) Higher magnification of the posterior part of an early stage 10 follicle. Staining is indicated by arrowheads. (C) Stage 10 follicle from a wIR6 female. No Gag proteins are detected by the pAbGag antibody. (D to F) ZAM Env revealed with the pAbEnv antibody in a RevI ovariole. (D) High level of staining can be observed in a few somatic follicle cells at the posterior part of early stage 10 follicles (arrow). (E) High magnification of the posterior region of the follicle. (F) Stage 10 follicle from a wIR6 female. No Env proteins are detected by the pAbEnv antibody.