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. 2024 Apr 25;11(2):147–157. doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.01643


Demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings of RA patients

Number of the RA patients, n 52
Age, years 51.7±13.0
Female/male, n (%) 48/4 (92.3/7.7)
BMI, kg/m2 28.9±5.0
Disease duration, years 13.8±7.2
Follow-up time, months 35.0±14.7
Distributions of anti-TNF drugs, (%)
  Etanercept 32.7
  Certolizumab 23.1
  Adalimumab 23.1
  Golimumab 15.4
  Infliximab 5.8
Types of anti-TNF, (%)
  w/Fc 76.9
  wo/Fc 23.1
Anti-TNF is first biologic drug, (%)
  Yes 75.0
  No 25.0
Still on anti-TNF drug, (%)
  Yes 55.8
  No 44.2
Duration of stay on the anti-TNF drugs, (%)
  ≤24 months 30.8
  >24 months 69.2
CsDMARDs used with anti-TNF, (%)
  None 23.0
  CsDMARD monotherapy 63.5
  CsDMARD combination 13.5
MTX usage along with anti-TNF, (%)
  Yes 48.1
  No 51.9
Steroid usage along with anti-TNF, n (%)
  Yes 40.4
  No 59.6
RF titres, IU/mL 58.1 (104.8)
RF, (%)
  ≤42 IU/mL 46.2
  >42 IU/mL 53.8
Anti-CCP, (%)
  Positive 69.2
  Negative 30.8
Comorbidities, (%)
  Yes 50
  No 50
Number of comorbidity 1 (2)
Smoking, n (%)
  Yes 17.3
  No 82.7
Previous number of bDMARD 1 (2)
Previous number of csDMARD 3 (1)
Isoniazid prophylaxis, (%)
  Yes 67.3
  No 32.7
NSAID usage, (%)
  Yes 71.2
  No 28.8

Continuous variables are presented as either mean±SD or median (IQR) according to normality. Categorical variables are given in percentage. BMI: Body mass index; bDMARD: Biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; csDMARD: Conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; CCP: Cyclic citrullinated peptides; MTX: Methotrexate; NSAID: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; RF: Rheumatoid factor; TNF: Tumor necrosis factor; w/Fc: With Fc; wo/Fc: Without Fc.