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. 2024 Apr 22;11(2):105–114. doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.58908


Univariate logistic regression for factors affecting dyspnea

Variables (reference) β SE p Odds ratio 95% CI for odds ratio
Lower Upper
Age 0.015 0.007 0.028 1.015 1.002 1.028
Gender (male)
  Female 0.493 0.188 0.009 1.637 1.132 2.368
BMI (<18.5)
  18.5-24.9 0.899 0.653 0.169 2.457 0.683 8.842
  25.0-29.9 1.018 0.631 0.107 2.767 0.803 9.537
  30.0-34.9 1.444 0.640 0.024 4.238 1.208 14.867
  35.0-44.9 1.404 0.654 0.032 4.071 1.129 14.682
  >45 1.609 1.037 0.121 5.000 0.655 38.152
Hospitalization (no)
  Yes 0.315 0.203 0.121 1.370 0.920 2.041
Intensive care unit (no)
  Yes 0.420 0.214 0.049 1.522 1.001 2.315
Comorbidity (no)
  Yes 0.346 0.214 0.106 1.413 0.929 2.151
Smoking status (yes)
  No 0.261 0.349 0.455 1.298 0.655 2.572

SE: Standard error of mean; CI:Confidence interval; BMI:Body mass index.