FIG 3.
Observed PPV (proportion of screen-detected cancers among women with a screening finding defined as women called back for complementary follow-up examination for an abnormal screening mammogram; see Methods for details) with different risk factors. The PPV (A) by PRS decile, (B) by PV carrier status, and (C) by FH status, with corresponding PPVs for two screening ages, (D-F) 50 and 60 years. (D-F) Also highlight the impact of age on PPV, because of differences in baseline risk of breast cancer, which increases with age. (G and H) The PPV by combinations of (G) PRS and PV carrier and (H) PRS and FH status, with PRS divided into three categories. PPVs at all screening ages (biennially from age 50 years to 69 years) are provided in the Data Supplement (Fig S2), and the detailed numbers for the Figure are provided in the Data Supplement (Table S1). Error bars show the 95% CIs. PVs: CHEK2 c.1100delC, CHEK2 c.319+2T>A, PALB2 c.1592delT, analyzed jointly for power, and heterozygotes were considered jointly with homozygotes. FH, family history; PPV, positive predictive value; PRS, polygenic risk score; PV, pathogenic variant.