Fig. 5. The analysis of academic journals related to hormesis.
a Bradford’s Law can be applied to academic journals in the field, as evidenced by the gray-shaded area in the figure. This area encompasses the journals that have made significant contributions to the field, arranged in descending order based on the number of articles. The pattern observed in this gray-shaded area aligns with the findings presented in Supplementary Dataset 5. b The visualization of journal collaborations in VOSviewer analyzes the collaborative relationships between journals. In the figure, journals that have published more than ten documents are depicted as nodes of varying colors, representing their membership in different clusters. The size of the nodes corresponds to the frequency of these journals’ presence in the network. c The visualization of journal citations in VOSviewer allows for exploring the connections between journals. The size of the nodes signifies the frequency of their citations, indicating the importance and influence of the journals within the network. d The dual-map overlay of journals illustrates the citation relationships between citing journals on the left and cited journals on the right. The width of the connecting lines signifies the strength of the citation relationships.